Friday Flashback #406

2005 Softimage Press Visuals – me Company
Image courtesy of me company. All rights reserved.

Although the majority of Me Company’s output is in two dimensions, the production process involves three, “XSI is our illustration tool of choice,” says Paul. “It’s the way we express our ideas.” The results, which Paul calls ‘hi-res stills’, capture the world of possibilities Paul and his creative allies envision in response to a particular brief. What makes this work is a faith in the value of the creative process itself: “We follow a line that interests us and try hard to push things forward.”


Friday Flasback #405

Court Vision. Master Every Angle. XSI 3.0

“When FIFA and NBA were looking at starting
on the next generation of their product, they
decided it was time to look in the marketplace
and evaluate the products that were out there.
So we literally put everyone in a classroom and
ran them through the scenarios that they
were actually going to be doing in production
with a variety of softwares, and, in the end,
we decided that SOFTIMAGE|XSI was
the best way for us to go.”
3-D Non-linear Production Environment.
download the free XSI Experience at:
John Rix
Director of Visual Development
EA Canada