ICE Modeling – Setting extrusion length and inset based on polygon area

Here’s a modified version of Mr Laforge’s compound that does the extrusion length and inset based on polygon area. Yeah, it uses a Repeat so I don’t think you would use it on a dense mesh and then just leave it in the stack to be reevaluated over and over.

The main idea is that you have to store the polygon indices (and the lengths and insets) before you do the extrude.

See also ICE Modeling – extruding polygons with random lengths

Copying tangent data with ICE modeling

Here’s an example of using Copy PolyNode Data from Source to copy tangent data from a source mesh to a cloned mesh. Typically you would plug this into the Execute on Copy port of a Create Copies from Polygon Mesh or Clone Polygon Mesh, but here I’ve done something more basic.

To display the tangent data of the clone in the viewport, I’m using the Vertex Color Display Property setting (OpenGL Display tab of the material applied to the clone).

Scene walkthrough – Polygons following particles

In this video, I do a walk through of a scene posted by Guillaume Laforge on the XSI mailing list. In the scene, Guillaume uses a point cloud to drive the polygons of a mesh, so that the polygons follow that transformations (pos and ori) of the particles. ICE modeling is used to “break up” the mesh into polygons. Includes a description of how vector subtraction is used to locate points relative to a polygon center.

ICE Modeling – placing copies on another object

Part 1 of 2. A video walkthrough of how to use ICE modeling to create copies of an object and place them at specific positions on another object (in this case, on the polygon centers).
Uses: Create Copies from Polygon Mesh, Transform per Copy, Get Copy Index, Build Array from Set, NbPolygons, PolygonPositions